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Gantry vertical tail dock for A380,B747,B777,A330,B787,B767, A340,A300,A310

2 :宽体机坞 Wide-body Aircraft Maintenance Dock



Wide-body aircraft maintenance dock is used for large aircraft maintenance of B747、B767、B777、B787、A330、A340、A350、

A380 and so on , which meets the requirements of C/D Check and spray painting of contains nose dock, fuselage dock,

wing dock, and the tail dock.

2-4: 尾坞 Tail Dock

Tail Dock Consists of vertical fin platform,horizontal tail platform and APU platform,Which meets the C/D Check and spray painting 

of aircraft requirements of rear passenger door,vertical fin,horizontal tail and APU.

2-4-3:龙门架式垂尾坞 Gantry vertical tail dock.


It consists of steel platform, front and rear gantry, top beam and vertical tailing dock. This set of equipment is suitable for hangars that 

can not carry the tail-dock, and the aircraft adopts tail-type, and the working area includes the tail of the aircraft.

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